3D for Accessibility
Orientation about Disability and Project Wings to Dreams - 2024
Alike always, the majestic duo Sangam Khadka and Sanskriti Pokharel welcomed and open the session. Cofounder and Treasurer Sanjiya Shrestha educated the participants about disabilities, its types and correct terms to address the community. Then, 10 project members were awarded with certificate stating their successful tenure. Among them, 8 of them were promoted as mentor and inducted into CFC"s members giving different roles and responsibilities.
Then, Founder and President Abhishek Shahi explained about project goals and history. Then, Karmendra Shrestha explained how he worked to conceptualize, design and make a 3D model. Khushi Subedi described how everyone demonstrated team spirit and worked in project activities. Srijana Katwal pinpointed the obstacles met by computer team and Romee Jijicha mentioned the challenges faced by other project members working in 3D design with locally available resources. The event also had some interactive games to teach participants to understand and empathize blindness.
On the second day, Founder and President Abhishek Shahi presented about the roadmap and action plan of the project from April, 2024 till June, 2025. All the project members interacted with and inquired about their queries during the session. Later, they got involved in Singing Bowl Therapy to help them understand their self and maintain their mental wellbeing.